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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 16, Issue 4, pp. 755-1017

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A Front Tracking Method for Compressible Flames in One Dimension

James Hilditch and Phillip Colella

pp. 755-772

Multidomain Collocation Methods for the Stream Function Formulation of the Navier–Stokes Equations

Timothy N. Phillips and Alaeddin Malek

pp. 773-797

A Fixed Domain Method for Injection Governed by the Stokes Equations

L. L. Stell and S. F. Shen

pp. 798-818

Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Wave Propagation in Nonlinear Solids

John A. Trangenstein

pp. 819-839

An Adaptive Algebraic Multigrid for Reactor Criticality Calculations

Leonid Yu. Zaslavsky

pp. 840-847

A Space-Time Multigrid Method for Parabolic Partial Differential Equations

G. Horton and S. Vandewalle

pp. 848-864

Multipole Translation Theory for the Three-Dimensional Laplace and Helmholtz Equations

Michael A. Epton and Benjamin Dembart

pp. 865-897

A Family of Numerical Schemes for the Computation of Elastic Waves

Alain Sei

pp. 898-916

An Iterative Method for Nonsymmetric Systems with Multiple Right-Hand Sides

V. Simoncini and E. Gallopoulos

pp. 917-933

Efficient Sparse Cholesky Factorization on a Massively Parallel SIMD Computer

Fredrik Manne and Hjálmtýr Hafsteinsson

pp. 934-950

A Note on Preconditioned Block Toeplitz Matrices

Xiao-Qing Jin

pp. 951-955

The Instability of Parallel Prefix Matrix Multiplication

Roy Mathias

pp. 956-973

Rational Multiple Criterion Approximation and Rational Complex Approximation by Differential Correction-Type Algorithms

G. Cortelazzo, G. A. Mian, and M. Morandini

pp. 974-991

Locally Corrected Multidimensional Quadrature Rules for Singular Functions

John Strain

pp. 992-1017